Express Program
"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”
- Maria Montessori.
We cover Spring break, Summer sessions & Winter break, Half day/Full-day/Long Day schedule
3 months - 6 years old
The Express Program Feature
Sunrise Montessori features fun seasonal break programs that include winter break, spring break, and summer break. Students of our express programs will get to enjoy activities set by the seasons and each program will have an overarching theme. Our summertime program is filled with lots of outdoor time, which includes much beloved water fun! Our springtime program is centered around the blooming of nature, and the colors and animals that follow. And lastly our winter program changes topics and themes every year!
Spring Express
Our Spring Express Program is designed to give children the chance to step outside of the classroom and immerse themselves in the wonders of nature. Even though our Spring Program's theme may change by the year, our activities will always be centered around children designing and creating with their hands in nature. Past activities have included building bird houses, bird watching, and gardening.
Winter Express
Summer Express
Our Summer Express Program is designed to provide children with an unforgettable summer experience that combines water fun, outdoor playtime, and biweekly set of themes. All these activities ignite children's imagination and promote learning for children. Our themes have ranged from marine life, to Pablo Picasso, and to the Dragon Boats' Festival.
Half Day/Full Day/Long Day
Our Winter Express Program are designed a bit differently from our other Express Programs. The harsh winter weather usually forces us to stay indoors. However, that does not mean our learning and fun are hindered! The Sunrise staff works hard on providing memorable and interesting themes. Past themes have included the rainforest and dinosaurs. Children were so creative and engaged building their own canopies and becoming mini "paleontologists".